setnick; vpi.setnick - set your character's nickname, thinkname, joarrive, and joleave




setnick is a program which lets you customize your nickname, including your thinkname, your arrival message, and your leave message. This program is just an interface to make it easier for players to perform these tasks, which can all be done using the @set command.

To use setnick, type 'setnick' and follow the instructions. The first item lets you choose a new nickname. Type a period to make no change or type a new nickname. It will then ask you if you want to make your nickname your thinkname. If you say no, it will prompt you to type in a thinkname. (Thinknames are nicknames which appear instead of your name when you 'think') Next, it will prompt you to enter the message players in the arrival room see when you jump. Last, it will prompt you to enter the message players in the departure room see when you jump.

You are informed of the change when the program exits.


Doubtful. Lemme know.


Scott Sherris (<VP_Imagineer> on FDCMuck).